Monday 16 February 2009

Thai VIP Bus

I had the pleasure of spending the night on a Thai VIP bus last night.
It cost 600 Baht or maybe A$28 for the 10 hour overnight journey.
The seats recline almost fully and you are given a box contaiing snacks and water.
There are only 3 rows of seats occupying the width of the bus instead of the traditional 4, so the seats are really wide.
It is the most comfortable bus ride ever, and less than the cost of many hotel rooms in Thailand, its a great way to get around.
My only complaint is that it was so cold inside... Take a jumper and socks to suppliment the supplied blanket.
I wanted to take a picture of the inside, but folks were already sleeping :)


Anonymous said...

Er, 10 hours from where to where?

Anonymous said...


That Thai bus took you from where to where, and why?


Kathy’s partner

Anonymous said...

Kathy's partner,

I think he did it to compare it to a hotel room :-)

Visit Us said...

10 hours? woah! That's a pretty long hours.